These “Morris” commericals are old, some very old, but I still like them.
Morris the cat – 9-Lives with Parrot
9 Lives Morris the Cat 1982
by Retrontario
These “Morris” commericals are old, some very old, but I still like them.
by Retrontario
Dashing, splashing, vibrant colors
left in the wake
of a dashing, splashing, vibrant person
Spirited smile, thoughtful teacher
sincere critiques, always wanting us
to leave the middle ground, and
soar to the heights of what is possible
The waves of life tossed her about
overwhelmed at times, she kept going
her favorite expression…lol
Susan gave and gave
until she had no choice
but to finally rest
This is not an epilogue
for we carry her good will
and shared knowledge with us
always, never ending
Shirley Radcliff Bruton
“Stop it, or I’ll start crying,” Susan said.
“But I want you to know how much I love the blanket you gave me,” I said.
I shared my love of her blanket just months before Susan Tuttle’s passing. She had a habit of giving me small presents, usually cat themed. My favorite is a leopard printed throw in unusual and bright colors. I curl up under that blanket most every time I sit in my lounge chair.
Susan and I enjoyed a great love of cats. Her last cat was an imaginary girl named PITA (pain in the ass), and I have six food-to-poop converters. I bet PITA didn’t throw up hairballs daily. I wonder if I could get an imaginary cat or cats.
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