Category: Author
For Susan Tuttle
Dashing, splashing, vibrant colors
left in the wake
of a dashing, splashing, vibrant person
Spirited smile, thoughtful teacher
sincere critiques, always wanting us
to leave the middle ground, and
soar to the heights of what is possible
The waves of life tossed her about
overwhelmed at times, she kept going
her favorite expression…lol
Susan gave and gave
until she had no choice
but to finally rest
This is not an epilogue
for we carry her good will
and shared knowledge with us
always, never ending
Shirley Radcliff Bruton
Shirley Radcliff Bruton Highlighted
Shirley was a guest on Susan Tuttle’s Blog. Click on link below to read her inspiring story.
Tales From a Rocky Coast – Countdown to Book Launch
Our book launch date is finally set:
will be available by Friday, February 9, 2018.
Dac Says Publishing
Marketing a Book
The Friday Night Writers’ Group is beginning to think about marketing our upcoming book: Tales from a Rocky Coast, Volume one.
Personally, I’m thinking I’m going crazy. My mind starts to go over things and sooner rather than later I have a headache or I wish I hadn’t started this project. Luckily, I’m always able to step back or to talk to one of the other writers and I calm down. I still feel overwhelmed, though.
All these words start spinning in my head and I need to prioritize them and let the other writers help. That’s all.
Tales from a Rocky Coast – Volume One
Our book is almost ready for publication. We are editing our second proof and I’m surprised by the edits–the number and the tiny things that people catch. It gets exponentially more complicated when you add a second, third and in this case a fourth writer in one book.
My hope is that we will only need one more proof and that it will be published in January or February 2018. I’m ready to be done and we still need to move on to marketing.
Winning Story
Originally publish in November, 2008.