Category: Books
Oodles of Blog Post Ideas
I’ve worked on this book, off and on, for the last five+ years. However, it is finally almost ready for publication.

It will be on Amazon sometime in late 2020.

Little Library Near You

Here’s the Friday Night Writers’ first book in one of the free libraries around San Luis Obispo.

This ‘n That Poetry
Expecting proof copies next week on new poetry book with co-author Shirley Radcliff Bruton.
Yellow Hibiscus
I took this picture of yellow Hibiscus just because I thought it was unusual and beautiful. It’s the state flower of Hawaii and it’s also on the endangered list.
I thought it might make a good cover for a poetry book, but I bet the cover artist won’t think so. She always has something better than I could have imagine.
Next Book Projects
I’m working on three projects at the same time. I think it will be easier to do several books at once since they are all fairly far along in the process. Also, I tend to forget how to do something if it’s been a long time since I’ve done it.
I still have the following to do:
Working with cover artist on new design or finalizing a design
Final arrangement of the interior
Ordering proof copies
Getting several editors to review book
When all of the above has been completed, then I will:
Put the books on Amazon and Kindle
The upcoming books are This ‘n’ That Poetry, Meow Poetry and a book on blogging ideas which I haven’t decided on a name for it, yet.
Tales From a Rocky Coast – Countdown to Book Launch
Our book launch date is finally set:
will be available by Friday, February 9, 2018.
Dac Says Publishing