We started *xeriscaping the front yard four years ago. It took use a few months to finish the following: Creating a buy list of plants and sprinkler parts, remove old plants, creating less of a slope in one area, converting all the risers to a drip system, and finally planting the new plants according to size, color, shape, texture, slope of the yard.
We used a large bulb auger to create most holes and filling in with a shovel on the, very few, big holes. Every day we would plant a small area three – ten plants, run a new drip system around the plants and then install the emitters. Hubby dug the holes and helped with the planting. I ran the drip line and installed the emitter. Every day we were both exhausted but thrilled with the progress. Sometimes we took a day off.

*Xeriscaping (less commonly xeroscape) is landscaping and gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water from irrigation. From Wikipedia.